BV Trash Valet Blog
April 27th is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Every year, the DEA collects unused or expired prescription drugs at multiple locations throughout the country. Last year, the total added up to over 900,000 pounds of prescription drugs. This day ...
Brazos Valley residents who recycle like to know that they’re doing their part to help their community and their environment be a little bit cleaner. You may be fairly sure you can trust your recycling to end up in the ...
Your trash cans are an important part of your home, and your waste management as a whole even more important. However, dealing with trash cans and garbage bags isn’t exactly the most glamorous of chores and might be a bit ...
Your trash cans are an important part of your home, and your waste management as a whole even more important. However, dealing with trash cans and garbage bags isn’t exactly the most glamorous of chores and might be a bit ...
“Pollution” is a term that comes up frequently in conversations about the environment. Most of us know by now that pollution refers to the wearing down and degrading of natural resources. But when we talk about pollution, the conversation usually ...
Every day, you throw away old food wrappers, paper towels, and other waste, hopefully sorting between the regular trash and recyclables. At the end of the week, you drag your bins to the curb to be picked up. But what ...
What happens to your medication when you no longer need it? Maybe you have pain relievers that are expired or a prescription that you were given when recovering from an illness that you got over before you finished it. Your ...
If you’ve taken a look at our recycling guidelines, you’ve probably noticed the last point: “no food waste or hazardous material can be accepted!!” We’re pretty adamant about it. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a trash and recycling ...
It happens every year: Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners come and go, leaving behind more food scraps than you know what to do with the next day. Maybe in your household there’s a matter of drawing straws to decide who does ...