BV Trash Valet Blog

  • The Problem With Food Waste
    July 15th, 2018

    In the United States, food waste makes up 1.3% of the total GDP. And this isn’t specifically a US problem. Throughout the world, about 33-50% of food produced is thrown away. This happens in restaurants especially. When customers don’t finish ...

  • The History of Recycling
    July 1st, 2018

    Discussions of recycling often seem like something new, tailor made for an age when we need to be more careful about our air quality and dwindling natural resources. But recycling has actually been around for centuries, even millennia. Over all ...

  • Keeping Kids Safe Around Garbage Trucks
    June 14th, 2018

    Garbage trucks are hard to miss. They’re massive, noisy, and they usually carry with them the smell of, well, garbage. However, kids don’t typically worry too much about garbage trucks, and small kids are very easy for garbage trucks to ...

  • 3 Ways to Keep Your Community Clean
    June 1st, 2018

    We all want to live in a clean community. Clean streets, clean air, neat parks that you can take your kids to in the summer — that’s the ideal. But not everyone feels that they’re able to actively engage in ...

  • 4 Ways to Upcycle Shredded Tires
    May 15th, 2018

    It would be nice if car tires never shredded or blew and thus never needed to be replaced, but sadly that’s not reality. It’s not just a pain to change and replace tires, it can be a pain to dispose ...

  • What is Recycling Contamination and Why Does it Matter?
    May 1st, 2018

    Most of us can agree that recycling is a good thing. It’s always good to cut down on your waste and reuse our resources as much as possible, for the sake of the local environment and the world at large. ...

  • What Do You Look For in a Trash and Recycling Service?
    April 15th, 2018

    How much thought do you put into your trash and recycling disposal service? Many homeowners choose the default trash and recycling service, generally offered by the city, but there are services out there that could do more. However, with every ...

  • 4 Ways to Cut Down on Food Waste
    April 1st, 2018

    As a waste management company with a complimentary recycling service, Brazos Valley Trash Valet & Recycling can help you reduce your carbon footprint in many ways. Unfortunately, food waste is still a pretty big problem in the United States that ...

  • What Does Each Plastic Recycling Code Mean?
    March 8th, 2018

    You’ve probably noticed the little numbers inside the recycling triangle on your plastic bottles or lids. You may not have given them much thought until one day, you saw that your recycling company “only accepts plastics #1-2.” But what are ...