BV Trash Valet Blog
The holidays will probably look different for many of us this year. You may not be able to have as many friends and family over to celebrate your holiday with you this year due to COVID-19, and some of the ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives in a number of ways. As new lockdown restrictions sweep the nation again in an effort to change the rising trend of positive coronavirus cases and deaths, many residents find themselves ...
The holidays will be here before you know it, and with them comes all the holiday shopping. But if you’ve spent the year trying to be more eco-conscious in your living and your choices, you may find yourself hoping to ...
Fall is finally here, and with it comes yardwork. With leaves falling from the trees, you’ll want to rake the yard before it becomes too chilly to do so comfortably. Now is the time to pull weeds, mulch your gardens ...
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many efforts have been made to appreciate healthcare workers such as nurses, doctors, and EMTs. Essential workers who keep the world spinning while the rest of us are in quarantine have also been ...
It’s one thing to handle your waste management responsibly as an individual, or even as a large corporation that has vast resources. But it’s another thing to handle waste management responsibly when you’re a small business trying to make ends ...
We are at a point in the environmental crisis that anything citizens can do to help reduce their own carbon footprint makes a difference. Many homeowners are aware of recycling or making use of reusable dishware and silverware. However, there ...
Eco-conscious Brazos Valley residents often hear terms like “biodegradable” and “compostable.” It’s clear that these are important traits when it comes to living a greener lifestyle, but what do they mean? Are the two interchangeable, or are there differences in ...
Recycling is more than just looking for the recycling label on a container and chucking it into the recycling bin. In fact, careless recycling can sometimes do more harm than good, even contaminating the recycling batch so that none of ...