How Plastic Bags Impact the Environment

Plastic bags quickly became a convenient alternative to paper bags at grocery stores. They’re more durable and don’t require cutting down any trees. Even today, though there are reusable grocery bag options, plastic bags are still the most prevalent kind of grocery bag by far. But plastic bags have their ...

2020-06-19T00:51:58-05:00June 19th, 2020|

Everything You Need to Know About Post-Holiday Trash and Recycling

Between the big family dinners, decorations, gift wrapping and gift unwrapping, the holidays can certainly generate a big mess when the parties are all said and done. You may find yourself surrounded by wrapping paper, casserole dishes, and tinsel wondering what you can do with it all. Fortunately, much of ...

2019-12-27T21:34:23-05:00December 27th, 2019|

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

April 27th is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Every year, the DEA collects unused or expired prescription drugs at multiple locations throughout the country. Last year, the total added up to over 900,000 pounds of prescription drugs. This day was established by the DEA in 2010 as a way ...

2019-04-23T01:54:49-05:00April 23rd, 2019|

The Real Impact of Recycling

Recycling took off as a popular environmental movement in the 1970s, though in actuality, it had existed in some form or another for thousands of years. It was a way for every citizen to do their part in protecting the environment, not to mention a way to make a little ...

2018-10-01T13:34:30-05:00October 1st, 2018|

The Problem With Food Waste

In the United States, food waste makes up 1.3% of the total GDP. And this isn’t specifically a US problem. Throughout the world, about 33-50% of food produced is thrown away. This happens in restaurants especially. When customers don’t finish their food, or produce isn’t used on a particular night, ...

2018-07-15T12:36:32-05:00July 15th, 2018|

What is Recycling Contamination and Why Does it Matter?

Most of us can agree that recycling is a good thing. It’s always good to cut down on your waste and reuse our resources as much as possible, for the sake of the local environment and the world at large. But too often, people who recycle do so without thinking ...

2018-05-01T02:09:40-05:00May 1st, 2018|

4 Ways to Cut Down on Food Waste

As a waste management company with a complimentary recycling service, Brazos Valley Trash Valet & Recycling can help you reduce your carbon footprint in many ways. Unfortunately, food waste is still a pretty big problem in the United States that waste management companies can only do so much to help ...

2018-04-01T08:37:16-05:00April 1st, 2018|

Spring Cleaning Made Greener

Spring cleaning is almost upon us. Among all the hours of house cleaning, reorganizing, and clearing the patio of debris left by the winter, you’re bound to have plenty of trash that will need throwing out. Do you know what to recycle and what to toss into the garbage? And ...

2018-03-01T15:07:25-05:00March 1st, 2018|

How Smart Waste Management Can Protect Wildlife

image by pixabay It’s no secret that the waste problem in America and throughout the world has an impact on wildlife. Pictures surface every year of ducks, lizards, or other animals with plastic packaging rings caught around their necks. Polluted ocean water causes hundreds of whales and dolphins ...

2018-02-16T12:26:08-05:00February 16th, 2018|
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