3 Ways to Keep Food Out of the Garbage

image by pixabay Americans throw away about 40% of our food supply each year. When restaurants make too much food, or their customers don’t finish their meal, it goes in the trash. When you overprepare for the holidays, it goes in the trash. When food goes bad too ...

2018-01-02T03:04:41-05:00January 2nd, 2018|

5 Ways to Be More Environmentally Friendly

Photo by Daniel Frank from Pexels Most people want to make the world a better place in some way. It’s something we can agree on, since whatever our differences, we do all live here. But not everyone knows the best way to do it. When it comes to ...

2017-11-20T06:47:24-05:00November 20th, 2017|
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