4 Common Recycling Mistakes

Most people know that recycling is a good practice. It reduces your waste and helps to make your community, and your world, a little cleaner. So there are several Brazos Valley residents with all the best intentions who might not realize that they’re actually making some common mistakes when it ...

2018-08-01T20:50:25-05:00August 1st, 2018|

Keeping Kids Safe Around Garbage Trucks

Garbage trucks are hard to miss. They’re massive, noisy, and they usually carry with them the smell of, well, garbage. However, kids don’t typically worry too much about garbage trucks, and small kids are very easy for garbage trucks to miss. It’s important for anyone to be careful around the ...

2018-06-14T22:57:56-05:00June 14th, 2018|

What is Recycling Contamination and Why Does it Matter?

Most of us can agree that recycling is a good thing. It’s always good to cut down on your waste and reuse our resources as much as possible, for the sake of the local environment and the world at large. But too often, people who recycle do so without thinking ...

2018-05-01T02:09:40-05:00May 1st, 2018|

What Do You Look For in a Trash and Recycling Service?

How much thought do you put into your trash and recycling disposal service? Many homeowners choose the default trash and recycling service, generally offered by the city, but there are services out there that could do more. However, with every waste management service claiming to be the best, what should ...

2018-04-15T08:56:16-05:00April 15th, 2018|

What Does Each Plastic Recycling Code Mean?

You’ve probably noticed the little numbers inside the recycling triangle on your plastic bottles or lids. You may not have given them much thought until one day, you saw that your recycling company “only accepts plastics #1-2.” But what are plastics #1-2? And why does it matter? All plastic is ...

2018-03-08T15:18:16-05:00March 8th, 2018|

Cleaning Up After Christmas

Just like Thanksgiving, Christmas has its own special (and sometimes daunting) waste management challenges. After all the presents are exchanged and the dinner is finished, you have a veritable mountain of boxes, paper, and food waste. And then there’s the tree, if you got a real tree this year. It’s ...

2017-12-23T05:07:31-05:00December 23rd, 2017|

3 Tips For Recycling Plastic

Plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems facing our environment today. Experts estimate that the average American throws away about 185 pounds of plastic each year. Plastic accounts for 10% of the total waste generated, because we use so much of it.  And because plastic is non-biodegradable, it tends ...

2017-12-02T04:46:06-05:00December 2nd, 2017|
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