Waste Management for First Time Homeowners

Congratulations on your new home! As you may have already noticed, owning your own home comes with plenty of other responsibilities attached. You have mortgage payments to make, and you may have remodeling or HOA regulations to contend with. You may be as busy with yardwork as with housecleaning. But ...

2017-11-02T05:17:23-05:00November 2nd, 2017|

The Rise and Fall of Packaging Waste

In the 1990s and before, the United States had a big problem with packaging waste. Think, after all, of how many packages the American household receives every day, whether it’s food packaging, appliances, or packages delivered to their door. It’s hard to imagine life without packages, and when combined with ...

2017-10-16T06:00:52-05:00October 16th, 2017|

Decluttering for Fall Cleaning

You’ve probably heard of spring cleaning, but what about fall cleaning? The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) actually recommends that you do a major cleanse twice a year: once in the spring and once in the fall. In those six months between seasons, you’re sure to have built up plenty of ...

2017-10-02T06:00:02-05:00October 2nd, 2017|

How to Get Kids Interested in Recycling

It’s never too early to learn responsible habits to take care of our environment. Getting kids interested in recycling at an early age will foster the habit into their adulthood and strengthen the chances of them teaching their kids to recycle one day in the future. With kids, of course, ...

2017-09-02T08:26:18-05:00September 2nd, 2017|

What Else Can You Recycle

If you make an effort to recycle each week, you’re probably aware of what materials your local recycling services accept. However, as the junk for the week piles up, sometimes it goes beyond just paper, plastics, glass, and aluminium. So, what should the environmentally conscious consumer do with everything their recycling services won’t pick up? Before you give up and throw it away, here are a few tips for recycling items you might not have known you could recycle.

2017-08-16T20:57:54-05:00August 16th, 2017|

Smart Recycling–There’s an App for That!

“There’s an app for that!” is probably the slogan of our time. Never before has information been so easy to access as simply downloading an app and letting the information come to you. From your favorite music to your bank or your school, there seems to be an app for everything. But did you know there are apps for garbage and recycling services? There may be an app for your own waste management service.

2017-08-09T20:56:54-05:00August 9th, 2017|
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