How Smart Waste Management Can Protect Wildlife

image by pixabay

It’s no secret that the waste problem in America and throughout the world has an impact on wildlife. Pictures surface every year of ducks, lizards, or other animals with plastic packaging rings caught around their necks. Polluted ocean water causes hundreds of whales and dolphins to beach themselves. Animals that dig through the trash often injure themselves or eat something that could be unhealthy or even deadly for them. What we do as humans affects more than just us, that’s clear. So what are the waste management steps we can take to protect wildlife?

Reuse and Recycle

Everything dropped in a trash bin eventually gets sent to a landfill or dumped in the ocean. This can be incredibly damaging for the wildlife that inhabits those areas. Not only can the trash itself be damaging, but gases released from that waste can pollute the air or the water, which isn’t great news for humans, either. By recycling as much as possible, you can minimize your trash. Everything that can be recycled skips the landfill and is repurposed to be used again. You can also consider investing in things that you can reuse, like cloth bags instead of plastic bags, or even save your plastic bags to reuse them next time you go shopping.

Use Animal Proof Waste Containers

Does your trash or recycling bin have a lid and is that lid reasonably animal proof? Many animals can’t help but be drawn to the alluring smell of your garbage, and what they get their hands on often does more harm to them than good. Using heavy, animal proof containers will prevent them from being able to get into it, just in case they can’t resist the temptation. It also saves you the trouble of having to clean up after a raccoon or a dear gets into your trash and leaves piles of it strewn across the carport.

Cut Down on Packaging Waste

Packaging waste tends to be one of the biggest threats for wildlife, especially seabound wildlife, as it’s often packaging waste that ends up in the ocean. Besides, no one likes to have to sift through all that gratuitous packaging to get to the thing they actually want. If you order a product from a company that uses too much packaging material, call or email them to lodge a complaint. If you can, try to buy things in bulk so you can get the most out of the packaging material used. Reuse boxes for your next move, next Christmas, or a creative art project. You can try to cut down on packaging waste at the grocery store, too. Next time you go, don’t buy a full gallon if you know it will take you too long to get through it. Just buy a smaller package and use all of it.


If you live in Brazos Valley, let Brazos Valley Trash Valet & Recycling help you practice smarter waste management by subscribing to our monthly trash pick-up service with complimentary recycling service. Because we use single stream recycling, we accept plastics #1-7 along with all the other typical recyclable materials. Call us today at 979-777-8968 or contact us online for more information.

February 16th, 2018

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How Smart Waste Management Can Protect Wildlife

image by pixabay

It’s no secret that the waste problem in America and throughout the world has an impact on wildlife. Pictures surface every year of ducks, lizards, or other animals with plastic packaging rings caught around their necks. Polluted ocean water causes hundreds of whales and dolphins to beach themselves. Animals that dig through the trash often injure themselves or eat something that could be unhealthy or even deadly for them. What we do as humans affects more than just us, that’s clear. So what are the waste management steps we can take to protect wildlife?

Reuse and Recycle

Everything dropped in a trash bin eventually gets sent to a landfill or dumped in the ocean. This can be incredibly damaging for the wildlife that inhabits those areas. Not only can the trash itself be damaging, but gases released from that waste can pollute the air or the water, which isn’t great news for humans, either. By recycling as much as possible, you can minimize your trash. Everything that can be recycled skips the landfill and is repurposed to be used again. You can also consider investing in things that you can reuse, like cloth bags instead of plastic bags, or even save your plastic bags to reuse them next time you go shopping.

Use Animal Proof Waste Containers

Does your trash or recycling bin have a lid and is that lid reasonably animal proof? Many animals can’t help but be drawn to the alluring smell of your garbage, and what they get their hands on often does more harm to them than good. Using heavy, animal proof containers will prevent them from being able to get into it, just in case they can’t resist the temptation. It also saves you the trouble of having to clean up after a raccoon or a dear gets into your trash and leaves piles of it strewn across the carport.

Cut Down on Packaging Waste

Packaging waste tends to be one of the biggest threats for wildlife, especially seabound wildlife, as it’s often packaging waste that ends up in the ocean. Besides, no one likes to have to sift through all that gratuitous packaging to get to the thing they actually want. If you order a product from a company that uses too much packaging material, call or email them to lodge a complaint. If you can, try to buy things in bulk so you can get the most out of the packaging material used. Reuse boxes for your next move, next Christmas, or a creative art project. You can try to cut down on packaging waste at the grocery store, too. Next time you go, don’t buy a full gallon if you know it will take you too long to get through it. Just buy a smaller package and use all of it.


If you live in Brazos Valley, let Brazos Valley Trash Valet & Recycling help you practice smarter waste management by subscribing to our monthly trash pick-up service with complimentary recycling service. Because we use single stream recycling, we accept plastics #1-7 along with all the other typical recyclable materials. Call us today at 979-777-8968 or contact us online for more information.

February 16th, 2018

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