Recycling Guidelines

Recycling Guidelines

BV Trash Valet accepts all materials co-mingled, no sorting required!

While other providers accept plastics #1-2, BV Trash Valet & Recycling accepts Plastics #1-7-making a considerably larger impact on our local environment. However, like our competition, we don’t accept Styrofoam products including “peanuts” or coat hangers as recycling materials.

In addition to Plastics #1-7, we accept the following items for recycling:

  • Paper & Newspaper (Keep paper/newspaper dry and clean)
  • Junk Mail
  • Cardboard (Flatten all cardboard)
  • Bottles & Jars (Rinse containers & remove lids)
  • Cans (Crush and rinse cans)
  • All Plastics
  • Magazines


  • Please use clear bags so we can see the contents of the bag.
  • No food waste or hazardous material can be accepted!!
  • All materials can be commingled, that means no sorting.

What are recycling plastics 1-7?

In the Brazos Valley region of Texas, plastics are categorized by Resin Identification Codes numbered 1 through 7. These numbers, typically found within the recycling symbol on plastic items, indicate the type of plastic resin used and its recyclability. Here’s a breakdown of each code:

  1. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or PETE): Commonly used in products like water and soft drink bottles, as well as some food containers. PET is widely accepted in recycling programs.
  2. High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE): Found in items such as milk jugs, detergent bottles, and some plastic bags. HDPE is also commonly recycled.
  3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): Utilized in products like pipes, vinyl siding, and some packaging materials. PVC is less commonly accepted in recycling programs due to its chlorine content.
  4. Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE): Used for items like grocery bags, bread bags, and some food wraps. LDPE recycling is becoming more prevalent but may not be accepted in all programs.
  5. Polypropylene (PP): Found in products such as yogurt containers, straws, and bottle caps. PP recycling is increasing but varies by location.
  6. Polystyrene (PS): Known for its use in disposable coffee cups, plastic food boxes, and cutlery. PS recycling is limited and not widely accepted.
  7. Other: This category includes various plastics like acrylic, nylon, and polycarbonate, which are less frequently recycled.

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* The 64-gallon high quality trash bin provided to you is Free To Use for the duration of your Residential Trash & Recycling subscription.