Step 1
Start here to subscribe to any of the services we offer. You can cancel service at any time for any reason.

It is not necessary to write checks or prepay for service months in advance since we use the popular online subscription service PayPal. PayPal will automatically charge your credit card, debit card, or bank account each month so you don’t have to worry about keeping up with another bill. All of your confidential information resides securely with PayPal; we never have access to your private information. If you already have a PayPal account, just have your PayPal username and password handy prior to completing the subscription page below. Should you need to establish an account with PayPal, it’s really easy and fast! Just go to to get your PayPal account created and then return to this page to begin a subscription to our services. However creating a PayPal account is optional but not required to subscribe, and that any debit card or credit card is accepted.

If you prefer not to use PayPal’s automatic monthly payment method, you can prepay for service six months in advance. However, we must charge $1 more per month for service to cover our administrative costs associated with invoicing, collections, postage, bank deposits, etc.

As a reminder, Bryan and College Station do not allow us to collect trash inside the city limits due to the fact they already provide such a service. To be eligible to subscribe to our trash and recycling service, you must live outside of the city limits.

    For our trash & recycling customers (not our recycling only customers), we will automatically be delivering your residence a maroon bin on the first collection day and at no cost to you. Should you not want us to deliver the *free 64-gallon bin to your residence, please click “no” below. Otherwise, you are all set to receive a *free bin at your residence:


    Subscriber hereby agrees to abide by following terms and conditions of services. Subscriber understands, and agrees, that the monthly service fee will be automatically deducted from Subscribers credit card or debit card or bank account, whichever is chosen by Subscriber, via the online PayPal payment service. This monthly fee is an advanced payment of services for the following 30 days from date of payment. Subscriber understands that it is Subscribers responsibility to cancel service should Subscriber no longer desire services. There are no penalties or fees with cancellation by Subscriber. Upon cancellation, BV Trash Valet & Recycling “BVTVR” is no longer obligated to provide services to Subscriber and no refunds or prorated services are to be provided by BVTVR to Subscriber. Upon initial payment of services, Subscriber acknowledges and grants BVTVR title to all materials placed out and intended for collection. The procurement and costs of obtaining see through recycling bags are the responsibility of the Subscriber. Subscribers may commingle all Approved Recycling Materials within the see through bags and no separation of these materials is necessary by Subscriber. All bags must be tied by Subscriber and BVTVR is not obligated to collect loose items contained within the bin. BVTVR shall decline to accept, or collect, any materials that are not in compliance with these Terms and Conditions. BVTVR reserves the right, from time to time, to add or delete items from the Approved Recycling Materials list for which no secondary market continues to exist or may be created. BVTVR has no control on market values of items collected and represents no assurances of the future viability of secondary markets. BVTVR will observe the following holidays and no service will be performed on those days/evenings: New Year’s Day, New Year’s Eve, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day. BVTVR reserves the right to discontinue providing services to any Subscriber who does not adhere to the Terms and Conditions contained herein, or as may be communicated in the future, or for any reason deemed appropriate by BVTVR (i.e. vicious dogs, excessive waste due to multiple individuals utilizing one Subscribers account, restricted accessibility, etc.) In the event of Force Majeure, including, but not limited to, acts of God, natural disasters, third party related issues, newly implemented government imposed regulations, requirements, and tariffs, changes in laws or ordinances by appropriate governmental entities, prohibitive inclement weather, civil unrest, strikes, lockouts, and other causes that are beyond BVTVR’s reasonable control that renders BVTVR unable, wholly, or in part, to carry out its obligations of providing services contemplated herein, then BVTVR shall have the sole right to suspend, or terminate services and have no further obligations to Subscriber should such Force Majeure events occur. Subscriber agrees to be bound by above terms and conditions and further understands that terms and conditions may change without notification. DEFINITIONS Acceptable Recycling Materials are contained within the “recycling guidelines” contained within the website and are subject to change without prior notice. Non Approved Recycling Materials include, but is not limited to, any food contaminated products, Styrofoam products, “peanuts”, computer parts, batteries, medical waste, biohazard materials, ceramics, mirrors, porcelain, pottery, photographs, anti-freeze, motor oils, pesticides, paint, aerosals, freon, asbestos, liquids, electronics, and other similar hazardous materials. Acceptable Recycling Bags are dissimilar to the household garbage bags, in that, the recyclable materials must be visible through a clear (whether tinted, or not) bag. Bags shall be sturdy in strength to withstand the normal handling of recycling materials so as not to tear, rip, or puncture the bag upon retrieval and transportation. Bags may be of any size Subscriber desires. *The 64-gallon high quality trash bin provided to you is Free To Use for the duration of your Residential Trash & Recycling subscription.

    (Click the Submit button below to continue)